BOTUNGA takes the reader on an adventure trip to Africa,
where courageous children are on a mission to save their village Botunga and a special giant tree from a severe drought.
The book is inspired on the experience during Strong Roots Project in Ghana 2020 and was written with the intention to inspire the next generation to protect nature and find creative solutions for environmental pollution.

The story is suitable for children from around 6 years, but also inspires teens and adults with its vibrant paintings and motivating message.

In spring 2022 Botunga won the Austrian DIXI Youth Literature Prize in the category Illustration.

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Botunga goes Africa

GHANA • October 2022
Peter takes 8 books of Botunga (kindly donated by participants of the crowdfunding campaign) to SoriNaTu school.

GUINEA BISSAU • November 2022
Team Missão Dulombi takes 2 books with them by car from Portugal all the long way down to Guinea Bissau, where story of Botunga became alive during a 4-days school project. 

GAMBIA • February/March 2023

With the help of amazing people who supported the Botunga crowdfunding , my partner Diogo Quaresma travelled to Gambia to share the story of Botunga and distrebute 7 books to local communities.

“The issue of the plastic pollution in Gambia as in many African countries is very critical for the health of all beings, so one of the intentions during the travel was to share with the community about the Ecobricks solution.
Once the people know about this way of recycling the plastic and give it a useful purpose they want immediately to use it. Together with cleaning the environment there is a huge economic potential to generate employment for young people – making good use of their energy and motivation to act responsibly towards their environment.
We all need clean water, air, and earth to survive but only very few people are aware and are taking good care of the planet's resources. So there must be a Governmental interest and action so that the change can happen as soon as possible and generate new opportunities for everyone in these countries”

– Diogo Quaresma

Are you up to support me sharing Botunga with more kids in Africa?


*Feel free to contact me in case you are planing a travel or know a school or project which would like to receive Botunga.